Highway 150 Corridor Wildland-Urban Interface Project

The Highway 150 Corridor Wildland-Urban Interface Project includes just under 900 acres on the Carson National Forest along the Rio Hondo. The purpose of the project is to improve forest health and increase forest and watershed resilience along a stretch of river that has tremendous ecological, cultural and economic value to Taos County.

All of the proposed thinning and prescribed fire work will happen outside of the Wheeler Peak and Columbine/Hondo wilderness areas.

Visit the Carson National Forest’s website to review the NEPA document for this project, which includes details about the purpose and need for the proposed work.

This project was identified as a high priority by partners in the Taos Valley Watershed Coalition as part of the development of its 2015 Landscape Restoration Strategy.

Restoration treatments in this project area were also identified in the 2022 Taos County Community Wildfire Protection Plan.